Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where do I start!!!

Well I've finally crossed over my own line. This is something i said i would never do. Buy into, let alone actually get in on the so called 15 minutes of internet media fame. I'm 38 yrs old and with all that has happened to me over the years and where i am at these days, i'm just boiling over with shit to say. And what better way to get it off my chest i guess.

First off let me say, that i am surely not looking for that illustrious 15 minutes of fame everyone so desperately seeks these days, nor am I looking to start a literary Some of what i say will be about me, this is a blog isn't, but most will be about why the hell i think i want to move to Mars. Last night i was thinking, 38 yrs ago, why didn't the doctor just shove my ass right back in there. I mean this world is a trip these days and as i said, i don't even know where to start.

Some things that come out of my virtual internet mouth will undoubtedly offend some (those with thin skin), some will be funny, some may even be mean, but most of all it will be the straight gospel, the truth as i see it...normally.

So with all that rhetoric out the way, let's get this party started. I get in a little guilty pleasure every now and then by reading some of the garbage that splatters the internet these days. There are some unknown comedians out there, there are some truly smart people out there, but what i find most on a lot of the posting boards no matter what the subject is are just some dumb ass idiots. I will be all over the map with my subjects of discussion, so pay attention and keep up.
Sure i will probably get my share of negative postings, but before you do, i got a little test for you to self apply. I consider myself a different breed. No cliche, but truly a different breed and you will see once you've been in my world a minute. But every now and then I become human and make a bonehead move or bad decision, but nothing terribly bad or irreparable.

So at the end of the day i always ask myself, how did i do. Just a general question to gauge my sanity from day to day. Undoubtedly you've all seen the Bud light "dude" commercials. During that end of day "me" time, i make sure i was not "that" guy. You all know him or her, that one person you look at and say, "where the fuck did you come from"...damn! It happens at the job, the bar, the gym...everywhere there seems to be that person you look at and shake your head.

So before you leave any negative remarks, see where you at first. So check your category to see where you at.

  1. "dude"

  2. hater

  3. jaded

  4. left in the 60's or 70's (you undercovers out there)

  5. confused (take your meds please)

  6. all of the above

I got no problem with disagreeing. I'm all for agreeing to disagree. I'm equal and fair like that. As long as no laws are broken, no one gets hurt physically or mentally, and we leave it all on the table after said and done I'm good with whatever you put out there. I would add morals to that equation, but somewhere along the lines, that is a word that has gotten lost over time so we'll leave that one out for now.

Now that i have laid the foundation, my first subject of why i want to move to Mars. This damn presidential election.. The first thing i will say is right now this shows how far we've come and just how far we got to go! I may make comments, but i judge no man or woman, cause' only god can judge me so who am i to do it to anyone else.

But I'm damn sure going to get my comment happy ass in the ring with all the other pundits. We got a lot people that fit some of those categories i specified earlier. But we truly are at a monumental crossroads in this political year. If you would have asked me 10 yrs ago would a black man or woman be this close to running the US, i would have looked at you crazy just like anyone else. Sure we've had Jesse and Rev Al run for office before, but with the underlying understanding that there was not even a remote chance they would win. My opinion they did it to raise a platform and some awareness to some of their soapbox subjects at the time, which i applaud them on. If history serves me correctly I think we even had a woman on the ticket as a VP running mate some years ago.

But right now with droves of people getting out to vote, mainly the black folks, there are some that think Barack is getting the vote because of that high turnout. Truth be told he's getting a lot of white support also. But am I going to vote for him because he is black...hell no, shit i don't trust any politician to follow through on everything he says. Maybe he'll change that perception but we'll have to wait and see if he wins. But at the end of the day, this country was built on a system of checks and balances so one person, president or not, does not weld so much power that they can go all willy nilly once in office. Now some may argue that system since some folks have done some fucked up shit over the years, not gonna name any names but his initials are!

Someone just needs to put this place right once in office, or i am moving to Mars. Shit i'm tired now, it's 12 midnite and I should be doing the horizontal mamba right now or something. This blogging gig seems like it will be a second job with all this damn writing. Peace out for now.